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Amber Fragrance Resin

wp-1483388546030.jpg  Amber Resin. Warm, vanilla, sometimes citrusy high notes, always sweet.  This substance is not resin in the strict sense of the word.  It is not solely derived from trees or shrubs.  It is not only plant matter.  Good amber resin is made of butters such as Cocoa Butter or another type of butter, resins, perfumes, vanilla and other scents.

This wonderful scent can be used to scent the body, scent the home or scent products.  it can be burnt on prepared charcoal.  We have a small locket to hold a piece of amber around the neck!  We have been told by some customers that our dark amber calms spirits.  Another customer uses her amber to make perfume-real perfumers perfume.

Violet and Company has both light and dark amber for sale.  The light amber has a decidedly citrus overtone.  The dark amber lacks this citrus high notes.  We sell amber on our website ( and on Etsy (VioletAndCompany).

This month we created a video showing what we do with little pieces of amber that are left over.  Check it out here

Leave us a message to let us know about your experience with Amber fragrance resin.


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