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Incenses, Sale

Anand Ganesh Incense

Ganesh Special Fluxo IncenseAnand Ganesh Incense is one of our favorites of all time.  It has a sweet, rich, buttery aroma that reminds one of a big buttery maple bar.  It is a fluxo incense and fluxo denotes masala incense, or natural mixture of powders, woods and flowers to create an incense “dough” that is pressed onto a bamboo stick.  Fluxo are sometimes a little more smokey than other incenses, but it is well worth it.  I love looking at the sticks, as no one looks the same.  The incense “dough” is folded around each stick differently, lumpy in some spots and smooth in others.  It is such an organic, earthy looking incense!  Anand Ganesh Special Fluxo, on sale for $1.25 this week at Violet and Company Incense.



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